1960年、大阪枚方市生まれ。日大芸術学部映画学科在学中から『名探偵ホームズ』に脚本家として参加。『魔女の宅急便』(89)演出補。監督作として、TVシリーズ『名犬ラッシー』(96)。TVシリーズ『BLACK LAGOON』(06)では監督・シリーズ構成・脚本。長編映画、『アリーテ姫』(01)。山口県防府市に暮らす少女・新子の物語を描いた『マイマイ新子と千年の魔法』(09)は異例のロングラン上映とアンコール上映を達成。さらに2016年、広島・呉を舞台にした長編映画『この世界の片隅に』が公開されると、幅広い世代からの支持が大きな反響を呼び、日本アカデミー賞《最優秀アニメーション作品賞》、アヌシー国際アニメーション映画祭長編部門《審査員賞》を受賞するなど、国内外にて高い評価を得て数々の映画作品賞・監督賞を獲得。2019年12月には新しいシーンを追加して別の観点からの作品とした『この世界の(さらにいくつもの)片隅に』を公開。現在、『枕草子』をベースに疫病の中に生きる千年前の人々を描く新作『つるばみ色のなぎ子たち』を制作中。
Born in 1960. While studying at Nihon University College of Art’s Department of Cinema, Katabuchi participated in the writing team of “Sherlock Hound”. After graduating, Katabuchi work as an assistant director on “Kiki’s Delivery Service” in 1989. And Katabuchi made his directorial debut with the Nippon Animation TV series “Famous Dog Lassie” in 1996. Also, Katabuchi made a feature film directorial debut with “Princess Arete” in 2001. Katabuchi directed, composed and wrote the screenplay for “BLACK LAGOON” series since 2006. The seconed feature film is “Mai Mai Miracle”, based on Nobuko Takagi’s autobiography, Maimai Shinko. And the film debuted at the Locarno International Film Festival in Switzerland in 2009. In 2016, Katabuchi directed “In This Corner of the World”, which was released on November 12, 2016 in Japan. This film won the 40th Japan Academy Film Prize for Best Animated Film, the 90th Kinema Junpo Best 10 Award for Best Japanese Film as the second-ever animated film, and the Jury Award at the 41st Annecy International Animated Film Festival, and was nominated for the 45th Annie Award for Best Animated Feature-Independent. An extended version of the film, titled “In This Corner (and Other Corners) of the World”, premiered on December 20, 2019. Katabuchi is currently working on a new work, “The Mourning Children: Nagiko and the Girls Wearing Tsurubami Black”, which describes the period of the classical Japanese essay literature “The Pillow Book”.